Attention Coaches - NDLL Fair Play, News (Niagara District Local League)

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Oct 29, 2019 | Chris Berube | 5930 views
Attention Coaches - NDLL Fair Play
Hello Coaches, Welcome to a new season of Niagara District Local League Hockey. I’m certain we are all excited to return to somewhat of a normal hockey 5v5 season.

Your center contacts have been hard at work putting the new season together. Every season has a lot of work getting things organized but I think it goes without saying this season has been particularly challenging. Thank you to all the volunteers for their dedication and hard work.


Your schedules are now populated (or will be soon) on your local association website and you can follow the standings as the season progresses via the link to your standings or go to to see results, standings and more.


Coaches and team Staff should be familiar with the governing document that guides teams that participate in the Niagara District Local League


While there are many important points in there – I’d like to specifically remind coaches that we are a “fair play” league. At this time, we do not have any defined rules about ‘running up scores’ – but – it should go without saying that a ‘fair play policy’ includes playing the game with respect for all participants – including other team and officials. As it relates to score management all coaches are expected to use common sense and employ the necessary measures to keep scores respectable.





On behalf of your center Conveners, we thank you for your volunteerism and sincerely wish all participants a safe, fun and rewarding hockey experience. All the best this season.


Chris Berube

NDLL President

Oct 25/21

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